Repost of TDP: The Next Big Thing

Submitted by R-Squared Energy Blog Because of the upcoming IPO for Changing World Technologies (See this story at Seeking Alpha) the articles that I wrote on the company are getting quite a bit of traffic. I thought I would bump them to the top for a review of who they are, what they do, and where things went wrong for them. The …

15 ‘Silver Bullets’ for Solving Our Biggest Energy and Environmental Problems

Submitted by `Silver Bullets’ for Solving the Energy Crisis #1 – Put Oil Companies to Work on Geothermal Energy ‘Silver Bullets’ for Solving the Energy Crisis #2 – Quicken Deployment of Stop-Start, Mild Hybrid ‘Silver Bullets’ for Solving the Energy Crisis #3 – Adopt the Berkeley Solar Financing Model ‘Silver Bullets’ for Solving the Energy Crisis #4 – Redirect Corn …

A Simple Climate Tax Scheme

Submitted by R-Squared Energy Blog The following guest post is by Bob Findlay, a self-employed open source software engineer who lives on a small farm just outside Toronto. —————————- On 07 Apr 26 an Oil Drum blogger named Squalish ( wrote a response to a debate about government’s role in climate change policy. In that piece Squalish described an idea whereby all CO2 …

Detroit Gearing Up for Electric Cars

Submitted by R-Squared Energy Blog The Dodge Circuit Electric Vehicle Regular readers know that I am hopeful that electric cars can start to become one of our transportation options in the next few years. There are several reasons for this. First and foremost, it is because there are so many different options for making electricity. We currently make it primarily from …

Setting the Stage for 2009

Submitted by R-Squared Energy Blog I wanted to just have one housekeeping post here at the beginning of the year covering a wide range of topics: From posting etiquette to themes to my internal debate over whether to proceed with a book. So here goes. First, some reminders about posting etiquette here. While I encourage debate and disagreement, I discourage gratuitous insults …